
Excelitas Technologies介绍了下一代Axsun Azmyth Swept-Surce-Surce-Scot-oct(SS-OCT)成像平台


Axsun Azmyth Swept-Source OCT(SS-OCT)成像平台Excelitas技术®Corp.是一家专注于提供创新的市场驱动光子解决方案的工业技术制造商,宣布Axsun Azmyth™下一代SS-OCT成像平台。Azmyth具有新的VCSEL激光模块和高速驱动器电子产品,支持A-Scan速率达到
800 kHz。Axsun可调激光器赋予了数千个在全球范围内部署在医疗诊断到工业检查的应用程序中的最先进的OCT系统。bob投注体育信赖吗


  • 2x-4x更快的A扫描速率
  • 50%较小的足迹
  • 增强的配置性
  • 交钥匙解决方案可用
  • 基于经过验证的Axsun核心技术的高可靠性

“SS-OCT system developers, manufacturers, researchers and entrepreneurs rely on Excelitas’ Axsun products for impressive performance and demonstrated reliability, so we are constantly building on our existing OCT expertise and leading-edge swept laser technology,” said Bill Ahern, Senior Director, Product Marketing at Excelitas. “Azmyth is the natural evolution of our laser platform. Providing the fastest speed in the smallest footprint, it facilitates shorter imaging times, increased imaging density, and multi-modal systems that perform retinal, anterior segment, and whole-eye imaging. It will lead the way toward higher adoption of SS-OCT in many imaging applications.”

Excelitas’ portfolio of patented Axsun technology covers a wide range of active and passive micro-optical components, tunable MEMs devices, advanced materials and optical coatings, optomechanical and optoelectronic integration capabilities, precision manufacturing processes, and packaging solutions for OEM and end-user systems. For additional information, please visit Excelitas at光子激光世界在4月26日至2022年4月26日至29日或//www.szqlscmy.com/product/high-speed-ss-oct-tunable-las-engines




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斯科特·奥尔(Scott Orr) 
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Cheryl Reynhout或Jill Anderson
代表Excelitas Technologies Corp.